
Matador, a.s. Púchov (reference)

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System for administration, management and archiving technical documentation


The company Matador Púchov decided to unify and improve system for management of technical documentation. The current system for control of technical documentation not localized into national enviroment, didn’t  match conditions for recent systems for control documents  and didn’t support by the vendor and not even manufactuter of system.

Specifications of solution

Target of solution was  to create complex system for management of technical documentation already perform all recent standards and features. System ensure completion of activities related to the accredition, management and archiving of technical documentation on all relevant workplaces.

For the demarkation of the concept suggestion of control documentation was performed by the company ESMO using  Select Enterprise Modeler analysis of business processes, analysis of organizational structure and technical infrastructure in Matador Púchov. The conclusions of the analysis was developed “Concept deployment of workflow business processes in Matador a.s..” For the deployment of  system for administration, management and archiving of technical documents was approved incremental process of automation bussines processes.


Within the solution of a pilot project was  current system for administration and management for technical documentation replaced by Keyfile V6.01 SVK and KeyFLOW CAN V6.2.. Supplier of thes system was the company ESMO Žilina that carried out the localization of system and its implementation in the company Matador Púchov. into operation, it was presented 12 different types of workflow and installed a total of 100 client workstations and all users were trained.

In the system KeyFLOW was solved work processes related to the administration, management and archiving of documents existing in electronic form between vestigators, individual approbatory departments and staff of the Technical Documentation.

Today is deployed solution used to enterprise-wide automation of business processes. In routine operation are 25 different types of workflow and till now has been delivered 500 client licenses Global 360 Global 360 and keyfile KeyFLOW, that are gradually implemented to workstation of users entering to the system.


Whole system for administration and management of technical documentation was realised with utilization products of company Global: Keyfile and KeyFLOW, which are localised to slovak national enviroment.

Keyfile enables cost-effective to handle with different types of documentation and monitoring in real time as documents are created, changed, updated reviews, share and use. Keyfile contains a powerful search tools, version-control system, sort and organize of documents. The user can choose to use the classic client for using of full functionality, including faxing, scanning with OCR and workflow or Workspace client for creating, editing and access to documents, cabinets and racks.

Keyfile is integrated with MS Outlook and allows you to automatically forward messages and attachments into the new documents in cabinets Keyfile.

KeyFLOW is a combination of technology, workflow, information management and communication infrastructure that provided in MS Exchange server. Workflows are created using a graphical editor and allows automation and time and local monitoring of business processes within defined roles and organizational structure.

Used technologies

Differences opposite the previous solution:
  • automation of business processes related to registration production-technologicals and drawings documentation, the approval of documentation and archiving,
  • possibility of monitoring the status and progress of the approval of documentation
  • use of user roles in flows (e.g., chief engineer, chief chemist, vollectors, etc.)
  • automatic generation of records of the running of approvaled flow, which are automatically attached to the document after the end of approval
  • use of the product KeyFlow Global 360 for solving workflow
  • visualization and streamline processes through modeling
  • mapping and description of business processes related to the administration, management and archiving documentation on OTD
  • automation of work processes, standardization
  • cost savings due to the flow of documents electronization
  • increase work productivity
  • quick, easy and secure access to documents

Customer profile

Matador is a modern international company, business of rubber and machinery industries. In the last decade the company has achieved significant development and has undergone major changes associated with transformation of the state enterprise into a joint stock company and the privatization process. The company exports more than 80% of its production.

Matador has stabilized research, technical and commercial structure with a clear development strategy and a strong capital unit holds a healthy, productive and human potential.